December 26, 2017
Christmas and the holidays are over. Hard to believe all the work that we put in to prepare. Either way you look at it, it is time to get back to the gym. A day off can derail you if you lose your focus. Climbing the steps of the Empire State Building in 42 days? NOT the time to lose focus!!! In fact, training for anything in life can be daunting. You just have to break it down and remember your goals. Stay focused on the prize and take the "baby steps" as they say to make it to the finish line!! Keep up the amazing work you are doing right now and keep your eye on the prize!!! Time to climbUp!!!
Please support me as I train to climb to the top!!! I am climbing for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and your support will not only help me but all athletes that have a passion for sports and life!!!
