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December 27, 2018

How do you get from the bottom to the top? One step at a time!! For me that's literal with my 1st climb of 2018 approaching quickly. But for all of us, we need to look at our personal lives, figure out what we want to fulfill our lives and break it down into small parts to achieve the life you want. You can't get from the bottom of a staircase to the top in one step can you? Well you can't in life either. Take each goal you have and break it down into smaller parts. You will find them much easier to manage and in turn you will become much more successful in reaching your goals!!! I'm not an expert by any means, but I can tell you that one morning, I made a decision to break my life apart into smaller pieces and rebuild!!! You can too!!! Time to make your dreams a reality one step at a time!! Have great day and climbUp!!!

Quick video link for day 41!!!

Please support me as I train to climb to the top!!! I am climbing for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and your support will not only help me but all athletes that have a passion for sports and life!!!


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