December 31, 2018
HAPPY NEW YEARS Eve!!! As I look back on the past 365 days, so much has changed in my life. Almost a year ago, I made a commitment to myself to go back to the gym, changed my diet and lived with a much more positive outlook on life. I don't live my life with expectations any more. By that I mean, living without expectations allows me to not set myself up for disappointment. When I interact with people old and new I don't expect anything from them and accept them for who they are and what they bring to my life. Its a great way to approach my own life. Maybe try something new for the new year - whether its a food, personal time or new friendships. I wish you all the very best in 2018!! May you all find what truly makes you complete!!!! So it's time to train and climbUp!!! Today I played 6v6 soccer with no subs at 8am for 1 1/2 hours and then headed to the gym for one last hardcore leg workout of 2017 - StairMaster Climb, leg press, and cool down on the treadmill.
Please support me as I train to climb to the top!!! I am climbing for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and your support will not only help me but all athletes that have a passion for sports and life!!!