January 8, 2018
a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
We all have a different PERSPECTIVE or POV of life. We can look at the same picture and each of us can describe it differently than the next person. It's the same way in life. We all have a VIEW or VISION of what we see or what we want to attain for ourselves. Getting to that VISION is the challenge that we all face. We can choose to face the challenge or walk away, but we must never forget to keep in PERSPECTIVE the end result of either choice. Only having one PERSPECTIVE can change the course of life, only showing you one side. Every day brings challenges to us that we may think are impossible. But every challenge has a solution and sometimes it isn't the most obvious solution. Change our PERSPECTIVE for a while in order to reach our vision knowing the end result is ALWAYS attainable. So don't look at life with only one PERSPECTIVE. Look at it from every PERSPECTIVE. You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself and others!!! Today is nice day to rest and think about a new road to take and then tomorrow is back to the gym and climbing the stairs to a new level for me to explore. Have great day and climbUp!!
Please support me as I train to climb to the top!!! I am climbing for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and your support will not only help me but all athletes that have a passion for sports and life!!!
