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Spiral Down


July 2022


Coindre Hall - Huntington, New York


Accepted - Drama of Light & Shadow MVA Art Gallery - Bethlehem, PA (2023)

Coindre Hall is a majestic historic mansion situated along the picturesque shores of Long Island's Huntington Harbor. Built in the early 20th century, this grand French chateau-style estate exudes timeless elegance and architectural splendor. Surrounded by lush gardens and sprawling lawns, Coindre Hall offers a stunning backdrop for weddings, special events, and gatherings. Its opulent interior features intricate woodwork, soaring ceilings, and ornate details, evoking a sense of luxury and sophistication. Beyond its architectural charm, Coindre Hall holds a rich history, having served as a residence, military academy, and even a filming location for Hollywood productions. Today, it stands as a cherished landmark, enchanting visitors with its beauty and preserving a piece of Long Island's storied past.

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