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Seeing Spots


February 2023


TWA Airport Hotel at JFK International Airport - New York, New York


Accepted - Foto Foto, 19th National Photography Competition - Huntington, NY

Seeing Spots was taken at the TWA Airport in New York.

The TWA Airport, also known as the Trans World Flight Center, is a historic landmark located at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. Designed by renowned architect Eero Saarinen, the TWA Airport is celebrated for its iconic mid-century modern design, characterized by its sweeping concrete curves and futuristic aesthetics. Originally opened in 1962 as the terminal for Trans World Airlines (TWA), the building served as a hub for international air travel until 2001. Today, the TWA Airport has been meticulously restored and repurposed as the TWA Hotel, a luxurious accommodation featuring retro-inspired design elements, upscale amenities, and unparalleled views of the airport runway. With its timeless architectural appeal and storied aviation history, the TWA Airport continues to captivate visitors as a symbol of the golden age of air travel.

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